Breakfast Skillet

Breakfast Skillet

Whole30 or Keto Compliant Breakfast Skillet

Either version of this skillet is Whole30 compliant. The keto version replaces potatoes with cauliflower for 10.2 net carbs.

Either version of this skillet is Whole30 compliant. The keto version replaces potatoes with cauliflower for 10.2 net carbs.


Breakfast Skillet

Whole30: 543kcal, 18g Protein, 30g Net Carbs, 34.5g Fat

Keto: 454kcal, 17.2g Protein, 10.2g net Carbs, 34.5g Fat

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

1 cup diced potato, or cauliflower if keto preparation is desired

1 cup diced bell peppers, any combination of red, yellow, orange or green

¼ cup diced onion

2 strips Applegate bacon, or other sugar free bacon

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 egg at room temperature

1/2 avocado, sliced

Salt and pepper to taste

In skillet over medium heat, cook bacon to desired doneness. Remove and set aside to drain.

In same skillet over medium heat, add olive oil, potato or cauliflower and cook until al dente.

Add diced peppers and onions and cook until peppers and onions are tender and the potato or cauliflower is beginning to brown.

While vegetables are cooking, bring water in sauce pan to just boiling.

Crack egg into a saucer being careful to not break yolk.

Slide egg gently into simmering water and let cook to desired doneness.

Assemble vegetables, bacon, avocado and poached egg.

Note: Adding vinegar to the poaching water may help the egg white keep shape, but it leaves a taste of vinegar in your egg. The whirlpool method may create a visually appealing egg white, but it also separates proteins and results in a tougher white. I opt for the simplest poaching method because it creates the best tasting egg, in my opinion.


Nutrition Facts

Keto / Whole30

Calories 454 / 543

Total Fat 34.5 g / 34.5 g

Saturated Fat 7.1 g / 7.5 g

Polyunsaturated Fat 4 g / 4.1 g

Monounsaturated Fat 21.3 g / 21 g

Trans Fat 0 / 0

Cholesterol 195 mg / 195 mg

Sodium 503.5 mg / 482 mg

Potassium 1076 mg / 1488 mg

Total Carbohydrate 20.90 / 42 g

Dietary Fiber 10.7 mg / 12 g

Sugar  7.7 mg / 6.4 g

Protein 17.2 g / 18 g

Vitamin A 82% / 82%

Calcium 6% / 4%

Vitamin D 10% / 10%

Vitamin B-12 6% / 6%

Vitamin C 357% / 320%

Iron 11% / 15%

Vitamin B-6 45% / 55%

Magnesium 14% / 18%

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